Data Analyst

Resume posted by hectorp
Desired salary: $90,000.00
Desired position type: Any
Location: San Juan San Juan, Puerto Rico

Contact hectorp


A full time position that uses the best of my abilities to the benefit of your company.


August 2011-May 2014

Master of Business Administration

University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus



August 2006-May 2011

B.S. Pure Mathematics

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

GPA: 3.33



August 2011-May 2014


Corporate Finance

Developed a business plan of a cocoa exporting company in Puerto Rico, which included several aspects of the company like corporate structure, financials, NPV analysis and Sensitivity Analysis.


Advanced Data Analysis

Did statistical analysis using the R language. Included Regression, ANOVA (One Way, Two Way), Generalized Linear Models, Bootstrapping, and Hypothesis Testing. As part of the projects, determined Death Rate of Cirrhosis, resistance to metals of different fish species, etc.


Applied Bayesian Analysis

Analyzed data using JAGS in R. Utilized a binomial hierarchical model to prove the efficacy of single dose ibuprofen on postoperative pain. As part of the course used different priors for hierarchical models, saw advantages of Bayesian methods vs. Classical Statistics (mainly that the distribution of the data does not have to be know in advance and that new information can be used to update our model).



Did diverse regression models using Eviews, multiple regressions, the use of dummy variables, etc.


January 2015 to Present

Jr. Data Analyst

Bespoke Capital Markets Group

San Juan, PR


·       Used R and Rstudio

o    Used packages RSqlite, dplyr, readr, openxlsx, xts, data.table, ggplot2, shiny, amid others  for data cleaning, statistical analysis.

·       Used python with pandas for pivot tables and data analysis

·       Used TwitteR package in R to analyze tweets relevant to our industry

·       Provided property data to be used in the sale of secondary tax liens and deeds.

·       Assisted in the management of the transfer process.

·       Gathered information from counties to compile a database for use in the trading, analysis and transfer of liens.

·       Maintained up to date transfer documents and other documents needed for the transfer process

·       Developed and implement data collection systems and other strategies that optimize

statistical efficiency and data quality.

·       Acquired data from primary or secondary data sources and maintain databases/data systems

·       Worked closely with management to prioritize business and information needs.

·       Worked through multiple projects with differing deadlines. Contributed to process development and improvement, benefiting all divisions of the company.


August 2011-June 2014

Computer Technician

Gradnet-Center for Learning and Professional Development

San Juan, PR


·       Assisted students with their technical problems, provided support for users of the facilities, including the videoconferencing room, smart boards, computers, etc.

·       Scheduled diverse activities and conferences for professors, students and the general university population.

·       Developed a form and spreadsheet to more efficiently collect user data.

o    Faculty of student

o    Time of use: morning, afternoon, night

o    Status of student: undergraduate, graduate

·       Enabled to determine peak times and downtime to better fulfill the needs of the student.


  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint),
  •  C++,
  • Matlab,
  • R,
  • Eviews,
  • HTML,
  • JavaScript,
  • PHP,
  • Python,
  • SQL