
Resume posted by dott-marco-biffino in Health.

Desired position type: Any
Location: Firenze Toscana, Italy

Contact dott-marco-biffino


Statistician in the public health sector since 2011, dealing every day with manipulation and management of administrative health data mainly with the R language, I’m looking for new opportunities.


Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Measures of incidence and prevalence; research drawings; association measures; causality.

(from 22/10/2015 a 27/10/2015)
[26th Statistical Methodology Course for Basic and Applied Biological Research – 2nd part], Gargnano del Garda (BS)
Società Italiana di Biometria

Logistics regression; Survival analysis: parametric, non-parametric and semi-parametric models; Non-parametric tests and non-parametric regression; Control for the multiplicity of statistical tests: FWER, FDR, FDP; Multilevel models; Multivariate analysis: main components, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis.

(from 19/04/2015 a 24/04/2015) [26th Statistical Methodology Course for Basic and Applied Biological Research – 1st part], Gargnano del Garda (BS)
Società Italiana di Biometria

R language for programming and simulation; Linear and diagnostic regression; Variance analysis models and multiple comparisons; Experimental designs in the biological field; Generalized linear models.

(23/01/2015) [Knowledge of information flows for proper programming, management and evaluation of interventions]
SAFE Polo Formativo Regionale per la Sicurezza – ASL 11 Empoli

Use of the Health Information System for Collective Prevention – SISPC for prevention and control activities. Information tools for programming, managing and evaluating interventions.

(19 e 26/10/2011) [Corporate Seminar on Clinical Trials], Azienda USL 10 Firenze

Normative on Clinical Trials; Methodology of epidemiological and observational clinical research; The role of health professions; The role of the Ethics Committee; Informed consent and privacy.

(from 15/09/1992 a 14/04/2008) Master of Science in Statistics and Actuarial Science
Liv. QEQ: 7;  ISCED: 7 0542
University of Florence – School of Economics, Florence

Dissertation: “[Methods for classification of metabolic patterns with applications for the diagnosis of celiac disease]”, sustained on 14/04/2008

Score: 102/110


(from 01/10/2016 to 30/09/2017) Statistician
Azienda USL Toscana Centro – UFC Epidemiologia, UFS CeRIMP – Firenze
Term contract worker

Provision of technical and statistical skills to the project “Development of health monitoring activities of workers in Tuscany”:

Supporting the annual planning and evaluation of the regional “Prevention and Safety at Workplaces”, providing updated production, labor, injury (accidents and occupational diseases), health surveillance, prevention actions undertaken and Of the measures taken under the 2016-2020 Regional Work Plan for Safety of Work, adopted by DGR 151/2016;

Development and production of reports on the phenomena of interest for the health and safety of workers in Tuscany, in accordance with project No.38 of Regional Plan for Prevention 2014-2018;

Contribution to the development of the Health Information System for Collective Prevention – SISPC, drawing up related projects, testing of software and participation in working groups.

(from 03/01/2011 on) Tutor in statistics, mathematics and demography
Self employed

Teaching statistics, demography, mathematics, financial and actuarial mathematics for college students, recovery of mathematical skills;

Introduction to the most commonly used computing software with economic, psychological and medical applications;

Training and support in collecting, managing and analyzing data for graduates and researchers with particular reference to statistical packets R, STATA; SPSS;

Bibliographic research, bibliographic databases, information literacy, reference management and software packages for graduates and researchers;

Formation of advanced word processing oriented to the management of complex projects such as dissertations or books; Education on scientific publishing with LaTeX and BibTeX.

(from 01/12/2015 to 30/11/2016) Statistician
University of Florence – Dip. di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica – Firenze
Research fellow

Provision of technical-statistical skills to the research project “Building of an Integrated Regional Reporting System on Workplace Risk and  on Work-related Health Loss Monitoring Based on Existing Information Systems”: Recognition and census of existing and potential sources of information consistent with reference outlined in art. 8 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 (employment-occupational, risk, health damage, prevention actions and supervisory actions); Evaluation of data quality and possible disaggregation levels of identified sources, their usability, their interoperability and linkage possibilities.

(from 16/09/2013 to 15/09/2016) Statistician
Azienda USL 10 di Firenze – CeRIMP, Firenze
Term contract worker

Provision of technical-statistical skills to the project “Development of the Health Summaries of Working People of the Tuscany Region”; Implementation of the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) calculation from INAIL-Tuscany accident flows, using disability-weighted systems in literature and adaptation of calculations to new criteria adopted from GBD Study 2010; Integration with other data flows (HDR and ED) and definition of the technical-operational framework to extend the calculation of DALYs to occupational diseases.

(from 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2015) Statistician
University of Florence – Dip. di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica, Firenze
Research fellow

Provision of technical-statistical skills to the research project “Computerization and processing of health data relating to the cohort of workers engaged in the major infrastructural works (High Speed Railway) of the Florence area (1996-2009 period)”: identification of cohort workers; collection of available information about work cycle, tasks and any other element to define exposure; building a database containing all the information gathered on the workers included in the cohort.

(from 01/07/2011 a 30/06/2013) Statistician
Azienda USL 10 di Firenze –  CeRIMP, Firenze
Term contract worker

Provision of technical-statistical skills to the project “Building a database system on adverse health phenomena among Tuscan workers”.


  • R
  • SQL
  • Shiny
  • HTML
  • LaTeX
  • Frequentist statistics
  • Epidemiology

Spoken Languages

    English (intermediate), Italian (mothertongue), Russian